This Saturday, December 5, Will Balsham is going to teach our 4:30-6:00pm class! Will is a lifelong athlete, a dedicated yoga practitioner, and a darned funny guy. You will definitely enjoy his class.
Will in his own words:
For my “day job” I work in management consulting, working with telecommunications and technology companies to improve their businesses and position themselves for success in a changing market. I played rugby in college, ran the New York Marathon and am currently an avid mountain biker, snowboarder and skier. I love to go hard and fast and almost out of control. I find yoga to be the perfect compliment to my active lifestyle.
I was introduced to yoga by a friend. More accurately, I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to my first yoga class. I can’t say I loved it, exactly, but I realized immediately that it was something I could do and that the practice was real exercise. Over time, I also realized the meditative aspects of the practice.
I am very grateful to Elizabeth Huntsman DeAngelis for convincing me to try yoga, to Hayley Haberman, for convincing me I could teach, and to Jaci and Blanca for training and the opportunity to teach at be. in Union Yoga.
My classes will always be grounded in a strong, vigorous sequence of poses to work the body, with an underlying message of how we can bring the benefits of our practice from our mat to the rest of our lives.